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What we offer

Check out below for ways to get involved, groups we organise and other services we can offer.

Tuesday Friendship Group / Lunch Club

Every week from 10 -12pm 

The Chesters, Chester Road, Sunderland SR4 7DR

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Woodridge Gardens Support Group

Third Friday of every month from 10 -12pm 

Oxclose Road, Washington, NE38 7NZ 

Other services

Home Visiting,

This service provides support to people with dementia who live in the community as well as to their carers (family and friends).


The service aims to maintain a good quality of life by providing regular home visits offering companionship, social and emotional support, including opportunities to enjoy a range of activities , either home based or out and about in the community.

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If you'd like to attend any of our above activities contact:     

Sheelagh Dilworth
07740 111182



34 Frederick Street Sunderland,

Tyne & Wear  SR1 1LP


Reg. Charity no. 1177401 • Funded by the National Lottery through the Big Lottery Fund

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